Welcome to Glenside Bible
As a neighborhood church...
we are on mission together to see the gospel of Jesus transform our world as it has transformed us.
As a community...​
we desire to grow as followers of Jesus by bringing the gospel into every area of our lives.
As a family...
we offer a safe place to wrestle with faith or grieve through brokenness while also offering the hope found in Christ.
As image bearers of God...
we seek to reflect the diversity of the kingdom of God in our worship and outreach.
plan a visit
When We Meet
Our Sunday morning worship begins at 10:45 and lasts about 70 minutes. Feel free to come early and stop by our cafe area for a hot drink. A member of our Welcome Team will be there to greet you and help you with any questions.
Where We Meet
We're located at 447 N. Keswick Ave in Glenside. There is ample street parking or you can grab a spot in our parking lot on Weldon Ave. You can enter through our front doors (where there is also wheelchair access) or the rear entrance nearest our parking lot. If entering from the rear, there are signs as you enter to direct you to the lobby.
What should I wear?Wear whatever you're comfortable in. Things are pretty casual around here. You'll see anything from shorts to khakis, flip flops to heels, and Eagles jerseys to shirt and tie.
What do you do in your worship service?In its simplest explanation, we sing, pray, give, and learn. We are a singing faith In the examples we see from the Bible, the people of God sang to praise God for who He is, to lament and grieve their sin and the ways the world around them was not as God intended, in yearning for hope, and in celebration of the victory over death found in Jesus. So we sing, too. Our worship time includes both newer music and traditional hymns in a contemporary sound. We are a prayerful people. The prayer in our worship service acknowledges the presence, provision, and power of God and that in every way we are dependent on Him. We are a giving church. We believe all that we have is from God. To give back a portion of our income is first, an act of obedience (to the instructions and model of biblical giving), and second, an act of faith (that God will continue to supply our needs). We are never done learning. Our weekly messages from the Word of God are both biblically rooted and practical to our daily lives. We think the character and promises of God are an integral part of our growth as His followers. We think if we want to look, sound, and act more like Jesus, then personal study and being taught from His Word is a great place to start.
What is offered for my kids?Our Kingdom Kids program meets from 10:45-11:45 AM during our Worship Service. Children from 0-2 are cared for in our Nursery. Children from 2 through K have their own class in Room 207. Grades 1-6 meet in the Gym. All of our volunteers working with your kids have passed PA state background checks and are CPR certified.
Am I supposed to give during the offering?Giving in biblical obedience to the work of God through our church is a commitment made by our church members and strongly encouraged of our regular attenders. If you are visiting with us as our guest, you are in no way obligated to give.